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Primary Academy

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Seathorne Academy aims to provide a stimulating and supportive environment in which all children, including those with Special Educational Needs, can benefit from their education.

Children identified as having Special Educational Needs, have access to a broad, balanced curriculum, including the National Curriculum.  It is not unusual for children to be entered onto the SEN register, if children have specific educational needs it is the responsibility of the school to address and support those needs.

The school’s SEN policy, which is available on request, outlines a staged approach to meeting children’s needs and has been written with regards to the Government’s Code of Practice on the Identification and Assessment of Special Educational Needs.

At all stages, parents will be involved.  They will be encouraged to become actively involved in helping their child and will be invited into school to discuss and review progress.

Please click on the linked Information Report for more details regarding how Seathorne supports SEND.

Lincolnshire County Council's Local Offer can also be found at this link: