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Primary Academy


This page is the hub of information useful for parents of pupils in our school, or parents who are interested in applying for their child to attend our school.

Do visit the 'Contact Us' section to call or email us directly if you have any other questions.


Local Governance and Parental Engagement 

Local governance and parental engagement play an important part in linking our Board of Trustees to those local communities and providing support for our Principals on a day-to-day basis.

We have been reviewing our approach in this area to make sure we have the most efficient and effective arrangements in place and we will be implementing some new structures during the autumn term of 2024, to take effect from 1 January 2025.

It is worth remembering that our Board of Trustees retains accountability for the work of each of our academies, alongside our extensive executive teams.

We ask each of our academies to ensure they have in place an effective parental engagement strategy and we will be strengthening this approach by appointing Academy Parent Ambassadors (APAs) in each of our academies.

APAs will oversee the arrangements for seeking and responding to stakeholder feedback and they will have the opportunity to report to the Board and to meet with the Chief Executive Officer on an annual basis.

They will also be responsible for ensuring we meet statutory requirements in relation to other governance matters, including the formation of Governor Disciplinary Committees (GDCs) to consider pupil suspensions and exclusions.

In this, they will be supported by a professional secretariat overseen by the Corporate Affairs Director and by a highly experienced and fully trained group of people that we will refer to as our 'Resolutions Group'.

Many of those who will be part of this group have served diligently and effectively as members of the Academy Advisory Councils (AACs) that we had in place across our Trust until 2023, and we continue to value their expertise and support very highly indeed.

These new arrangements will come into force in January 2025 and you can find out more by visiting


Zero Tolerance Notice

Seathorne Primary Academy is a welcoming, supportive and inclusive school and it is important that all members of the school community work together. We wish to build a reputation to be proud of and we depend on the entire school community to help us maintain and improve our children’s learning.

We want our parents and carers to be supportive and friendly. Our parents/carers need to recognise that educating children is a process that involves partnership between home and school and understand the importance of a good working relationship to equip children with the necessary skills for adulthood. For these reasons we welcome and encourage parents/carers to participate fully in the life of our school.

In order to support the ethos of our school, we will not tolerate:

  • disruptive behaviour which interferes with teaching, learning or administration within the school
  • using loud and/or offensive language or displaying temper
  • threatening, intimidating or aggressive behaviour towards another adult or child; some actions may constitute an assault with legal consequences
  • actions/comments causing mental & emotional abuse of staff
  • abusive, threatening or damaging emails, phone, text or social media messages relating to the school
  • using tobacco, or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs on the school premises
  • damaging or destroying school property

Parents and carers are allowed on to school premises by permission of the school; this may be withdrawn if necessary to safeguard our school community. Adverse and unreasonable behaviour also may be reported to Greenwood Academies Trust and the Police.

Zero Tolerance Notice

We understand that people can become angry when they feel matters are not being dealt with as they wish.

If that anger escalates into aggression towards our staff, we consider that unacceptable.

We adopt a “Zero Tolerance” approach to anti-social, abusive or violent behaviour.

Any person who is aggressive or abusive towards a member of staff or who damages the property may be reported to the police and be banned from school premises.

Aggressive or abusive behaviour includes:

  • Language (whether verbal or written) that may cause staff to feel afraid, threatened, offended or abused and may include threats.
  • Personal verbal abuse
  • Derogatory remarks and rudeness
  • Remarks of a racial or discriminatory nature
  • Unsubstantiated allegations